Planning out the ideal home office

Planning out the ideal home office

People have been going out to earn a crust for as long as we can remember, but these days more and more are electing to work at home.

The importance of physically going out to work has changed over the years and in many roles it is not necessary to travel to an office to do your job.

The convenience of working from home also fits in with many requirements of the modern family.

ceriThis may mean converting a room in the house or building an extension to give you an office.

Here at Chrisbeon it is not just the major companies and large workspaces we are involved with and any job, big or small, is tackled with the same enthusiasm. We also advise on what sort of furniture and stationery supplies may be needed.

Home offices tend to be smaller than commercial offices, and often trickier to work out exactly what will fit best, but we are able to produce a 3D plan to show the customer what is possible for the space available.

To help our customers decide how best to progress with their home office plans we have our very own expert in Ceri Watkin.

Ceri is a sales assistant based in Shrewsbury and has developed a wealth of experience during her four years with us – including visiting some of the factories of UK manufacturers to see how furniture is made.

“My job basically involves selling home office furniture and people who get in touch with Chrisbeon with this in mind will be coming to me,” she said.

“It’s a fascinating experience helping each customer. Every client is different, as are their requirements and it’s always interesting. My job is never boring.

“I can go from somebody wanting traditional style to somebody wanting a very modern style – when it’s a home office the worker wants it to fit with them and their lives and usually they are working with a small space so need to maximise what’s available.

“People get in touch with us in various ways, some go into the showroom, some email but we are also very happy to chat on the phone. Whatever people want for their home office we are here to help.”

The Shrewsbury showroom is open seven days a week at Crown House, Lancaster Road, SY1 3LG.

Pop in or give us a call on 01743 600365 or email us at