Are you planning to break out?

Are you planning to break out?

We get a front row seat to the changing face of the office environment – and over the last few years it has made quite the shift!

Secretarial Pool

We know that in the past huge companies with row after row of desks and typewriters were not uncommon – although the secretarial, or typing pool, is now almost extinct it is a memory many people hold.

The 70s and 80s saw the move to the individual employee spaces – cubicles like the one Chandler in Friends was often seen in, with people aiming to work their way up to the corner office!

The corner office

The 90s saw the beginning of change with some of the cubicles disappearing – the corner office was still out of reach for many and there was a need to book a meeting room should you need to speak to anyone privately…

But now… office work is different – many offices are completely open-plan, and the boss is usually behind one of those desks.

Breakout pods

Meetings take place in huts or pods and the huge table in the middle of the room is where everyone stands (not sits) for the daily briefing.

That’s not the case in every workplace of 2019 but slowly we are seeing more and more companies thinking more about their layout and furniture, how they want their employees to work with each other – and how they want their clients to see them…

3D Computer Aided Design

3D Computer Aided Design has come into its own as customers and clients want to try out numerous ideas and plans before making their decision on the style they want to go with.

Luckily 3D CAD design makes it easy to adjust and adapt – and often we can find a plan that customers have not even thought about, that may meet their needs more effectively.

It’s an exciting time in office design and furniture – and it is not very often we have been able to say that over the past 50 years!!