As employers many of us are required to comply with the Health and Safety Regulations 1992 and carry out a DSE assessment on new employees and new and changed workstations.
But what is a DSE assessment and does it apply to you and your employees?
A DSE assessment is a risk assessment that looks at the health risks of working with display screen equipment such as PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Do my employees need DSE assessments?
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 apply to workers who use DSE daily, for an hour or more at a time, and should be done if a new user starts work, a new workstation is set up or if you have changed workstations for any reason.
Who can carry out DSE assessments?
A certified DSE assessor is required to carry out an assessment. Independent assessors are available, some employers train up employees to carry out the role, or office furniture suppliers – such as ourselves – can supply one.
Are there any other benefits to DSE assessments?
Carrying out regular DSE assessments address poor posture and poor working habits – correcting this will reduce problems that may keep the employee off work, so, therefore, improving employee attendance, and in turn productivity for the business.
A DSE assessment also provides you with evidence should any legal action or compensation claims arise.
Looking after employees also increases morale in the workplace and increased morale leads to increased productivity.
For more information, or to book a DSE assessment, contact us on 01952 292606.